Financial Services Writing Samples

Financial Services Writing Samples

Financial Services Writing Samples

The senior writers at Hoffman Marketing Communications, Inc., have written about a wide variety of financial services-related topics for companies that market their products and services in this industry. Following are a few financial services writing samples from Hoffman:

Financial Services Writing Samples (White Papers)

HP: Trusted Business Services in Financial Services
netForensics: Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Symantec: Online Fraud Management in Financial Services
netForensics: PCI Data Security

Financial Services Writing Samples (Collateral)

Tata Communications Case Study: Managed Security in Equities and Securities
SAP Solution Overview: mySAP ERP Financials
HP Trade Journal Article: Secure ebanking

Hoffman worked with BPC Banking Technologies, a global financial software company, to create copy for a 30-page web site with average page lengths of 100-300 words. The web site explains the company’s mission and objectives and provides an overview of SmartVista – BPC’s suite of end-to-end e-payment solutions. Hoffman gathered the content mainly by conducting multiple interviews with key BPC personnel and by reviewing existing marketing collateral. The task included review of existing materials telephone conferences with client personnel, synthesizing information, outlining, writing, and incorporating comments in several drafts.