Product Launch Materials

We produce all the content you need for effective product launches, including collateral, website copy, blogs, social media, infographics, and more.

Sales Enablement Materials

We develop compelling content that sales forces need to succeed in the field, including sales guides / playbooks, email campaigns, ROI worksheets, case studies, presentations, and more.

White Paper Writing

Our clients told us we were quite good at white paper writing. So we wrote hundreds of white papers over a period of 20 years. We guess they were right.


We consistently deliver compelling B2B marketing and technical infographics for a variety of audiences. Enliven your content with infographics from Hoffman.

Our Samples

Rollover the images below to see the type of sample. Click on the image to view a PDF of the sample.




Learn More Now

Download the “Mother of all White Papers” and learn the top ten best practices for developing effective white papers.

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Book an appointment with Steve Hoffman to receive pricing, strategy, workflow, and delivery times.